Welcome to my website

Here you can find illustrations, graphics, pictures, animations, paintings and some basic information.

I graduated Film College in Zlín (Art processing of animated audiovisual works; Ivo Hejcman, Head of the studio) and Arts and crafts secondary school in Brno (Advertising graphic; Dalibor Chatrný, Head of the studio). I worked as a freelancer-artist for various companies, publishers and agents. In fact, I prefer to work for customers and not for my drawer.

PROJECTS - illustrations, graphics, pictures, animations, paintings that were done for customers according with their orders and their requirements. The works don't express my feelings or attitude.

CREATION section - various techniques I used for experiments with structure or colors. They were made mostly as tests of new paints or equipments (new brushes, pencils, colors etc.) Some works were made for e-lessons used by Sdružení AMICITIA,z.s. and some of them were made as gifts for friends or family members.


About me

I sometimes draw, paint and create for companies, sometimes for private customers and sometimes I paint and draw to test new technique or equipments. 



All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.